Mel Gibson: Big Wuss

You know, I guess it’s too much to expect that a guy who left his wife and seven kids might participate in raising the eighth that he’s just fathered with his young Russian-model girlfriend. Even if he’s a movie star. Even if he’s an exceedingly paleo-Catholic (yet divorced), evidently megalomaniacal, plausibly anti-Semitic, apparently out-of-his-mind movie star.

Mel Gibson, notes People magazine, leaves all that messy life stuff to the kid’s mom, and just plugs his ears and goes to sleep. Mr. I Can Handle a Post-Apocalyptic Future With Nothing But a Bowie Knife and My Wits can’t, or won’t, handle a dirty diaper. Schmuck.

But at least he says he’s quit smoking. So the gal and their kid have that going for them, which is nice.

And, anyway, he’ll get his. Ill-raised celebrity children have a way of becoming the world’s most entitled and awful and generally nightmarish adults. If Mel’s the dad he says he is, some of those kids are going to grow up and make the Kardashian sisters look like St. Francis of Assisi.

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About Christopher

Christopher Bonanos is a senior editor at New York magazine, where he works on arts and urban-affairs coverage (and a few other things). He and his wife live smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where their son was born in March 2009. Both parents are very happy, and very tired.

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