These People Got a Grant Somehow

duh-duh1233387823Turns out I’ve been making this dadhood thing much too complex. It’s just so easy! All you have to do is follow the three instructions laid down by a team of researchers, and everything will go swimmingly:

Researchers (M. Lamb, 2004, and others) have developed what they call the “Big Three” elements of effective fatherhood: (1) Accessibility: The father needs to be present and available to the child. (2) Engagement: The father needs to be in direct contact with the child, providing care and interacting in a close, warm and consistent manner. (3) Responsibility: The father needs to participate fully in making decisions about child care, which includes arranging for the child care, meals, doctors’ visits and other activities.

Parents who master these skills during their child’s infancy and toddlerhood find that their children listen to them and respond more positively during later stages of childhood and adolescence. The effort of good parenting is worth the time spent.

Okay, well, thanks. Not at all obvious, guys.

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About Christopher

Christopher Bonanos is a senior editor at New York magazine, where he works on arts and urban-affairs coverage (and a few other things). He and his wife live smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where their son was born in March 2009. Both parents are very happy, and very tired.

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