Worst Father’s Day Gift Ever? Hardly.

31Bu90W7CSLAll due respect to Nathan, but this isn’t even close. I own a paper shredder, as it happens—come to think of it, a castoff from my own father, who upgraded to a fancier model—and I take ridiculous pleasure in grinding up my paper trash. I can only explain it in the most hazy terms, but here’s my best shot: I guess it’s the pretending to be a Machiavellian operator. Doing something as mundane as tossing out the credit-card solicitations I get in the mail suddenly turns into an operation out of a John Le Carré novel. Before, I was disposing of the junk mail; now I am involved in espionage, and I emit a quiet little Henry Kissinger heh-heh-heh every time I drop a piece of paper in. I’ll never have an Aston Martin with a smokescreen package, but we do what we can.

Also, if you have to ship anything, the shreddings are cheaper than bubble wrap. It’s economical!

I would say that, yes, I am a freak… except that I am not alone in this, by even the slightest measure. All I can say is, consider these people.

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About Christopher

Christopher Bonanos is a senior editor at New York magazine, where he works on arts and urban-affairs coverage (and a few other things). He and his wife live smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where their son was born in March 2009. Both parents are very happy, and very tired.

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