Heavy Weekend Rotation, or: Finding the Zone

I love spending the weekend with my boy. I do. He’s sweet and funny and not especially demanding, as 17-month-olds go. And at the end of it, I feel like I’ve just run the Ironman. My wife and I are, as a couple, not compromisers—we probably are trying to hold ourselves to a standard that’s not maintainable for much longer, what with the no-TV rule and all—and we arrive at the end of Friday’s workday already beat. At the end of chasing him around without a pause for the two subsequent days, we are both ready for the boneyard. Until we get to the Sunday-night edition of the Zone.

What is the Zone, you ask? This is my private term for a little window of time that occurs after he goes to sleep but before my wife and I lose the ability to do anything but slump in our chairs. It’s about an hour long—maybe 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. or so. It’s the only after-work time, or weekend-evening time, when she and I can get anything done, whether that something is writing for work, researching for the book, or writing blog posts. It’s also our easy hour of sociability, and sometimes dessert, and occasionally dealing with some household administrative something-or-other, like bills or tidying up. Sometimes I catch a second wind, and find a second Zone, around 11:30. But that’s a time for solo work—my wife is an early-to-bed person. (A lot of Dadwagon posts, including this one, are written during that second Zone.) But I can’t count on Zone 2, because my eyes slam shut a lot earlier than they used to. The early-evening Zone is the only one that’s reliable time. Once the Zone is past, I may be awake, but I am not functional: Half-awake absorption of the History Channel is about all I can handle. Television, in fact, is the enemy of the Zone. It is far too easy to miss this little slice of productivity if you get caught up in, say, Keith Olbermann.

Anyone else got a better way of getting things done? I’m all ears (as well as half-closed eyes).

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About Christopher

Christopher Bonanos is a senior editor at New York magazine, where he works on arts and urban-affairs coverage (and a few other things). He and his wife live smack in the middle of midtown Manhattan, where their son was born in March 2009. Both parents are very happy, and very tired.

2 thoughts on “Heavy Weekend Rotation, or: Finding the Zone

  1. The way I get around this (having a zone of maybe an hour at night) is actually getting up earlier. It seems crazy, but it works. I’m not 100% awake first thing in the morning, but over my bagel I’m able to read emails and balance the checkbook when called for. This is usually a golden 45 minutes for me as my husband isn’t usually up yet either.
    We still get the hour at night after we put our munchkin to bed, but I’m usually half fried at this point and I’m usually just catching up on conversatins with my husband

  2. This sounds all too familiar (ours is 18 months) and I don’t have any tips to share. I will say, though, that we long ago tossed our “no TV” rule out the window. He doesn’t watch TV around the clock or anything—and he wouldn’t be interested in doing that at this age. But knowing that there’s Yo Gabba Gabba on demand (several confusing keystrokes away on the remote control, nevertheless) is very helpful around 6pm, when the shift change is occurring (dad’s shift is over, mom’s begins) and chaos reigns.

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