From Sweden with Outrageous Social Benefits

A quick and belated shot-out to DadWagon friend (and, when we are lucky, commenter) Nathan Hegedus, who currently has the “most liked” story on Slate, about The Happy Life of a Swedish Dad.

Why is it most liked? Because, at root, it’s about the superiority of the European safety net, a cherished trope among Slate-reading progressives (like us). It’s particularly needed these days because progressives seem to be getting their asses handed to them in each new vote and poll and failed cable HQ hijacking.

But seriously, it’s a good read, and shows just a bit of the forced insanity of trying to raise a kid in peace in the U.S. Plus, Nathan put up a picture of his kid, something most of us here at DadWagon haven’t done yet. Mainly, I guess, because we fear you, the People of the Internet.

Slate readers, on the other hand, wouldn’t hurt a fly. And besides, Sweden’s a little far away for convenient childstalking.

Well done, Mr. Hegedus.

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About Nathan

Nathan Thornburgh is a contributing writer and former senior editor at TIME Magazine who has also written for the New York Times, and, of course, the Phnom Penh Post. He suspects that he is messing up his kids, but just isn’t sure exactly how.

One thought on “From Sweden with Outrageous Social Benefits

  1. Jeez, now I’m nervous about the picture. I mean, I don’t even say her name in my blog.

    But, as you say, Sweden is a friendly place, where even the conservatives would pass for progressives in the US, which makes me want to cry a little when I actually write it.

    But they don’t really read Slate here, and she is made up like a tiger, just to scare away bad guys.

    Oh, and thanks for the shout out.

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