More Skies, More Money

So I officially beefed with United, and then we laid down our weapons. Now, after a very brief and playdate-filled return to New York, we headed out again this morning, this time for a more traditionally-timed sojourn to my hometown.

And with any new flight itinerary these days, it seems, comes a fresh outrage. But don’t worry, Delta: I don’t blame you for your richly anti-passenger policies. You are just keeping up with the competition.

OK: I will allow myself a little peevishness at the numerous unsolicited credit card applications you send to my home, many of which are trumpeting that if I open a line of credit with you, you will waive my baggage fees in future. It’s a lovely tactic: come up with an insane fee for what was heretofore always a free service and then make me open up a new credit card to avoid the fee. Swell.

The more traditional problem I had this morning was changing our flight times. My 2-year-old woke up yesterday with a croupy cough. Sounded a bit like a sea lion. By mid-afternoon, that sea lion had swallowed a frog. By yesterday evening, the cough was even worse, almost mechanically sharp and violent. Given that the only flight available to us was a 6am out of Newark, I wanted to look into flying standby at least to give the boy some time to recuperate.

Yes, I know. I wasn’t expecting anything less than the $50/ticket standby fee, or the $150/ticket fee to fly tomorrow instead of today. I know those are the new rules.

All I’m saying is: I don’t have to like them. They suck for everyone, but most of all, it seems, for families.

And they’re not done. Mark my word: the days of being able to check in infant car seats  as luggage for free are coming to an end. So, likely, is free gate-checking of strollers. It’ll all pass into oblivion the way that pre-boarding for parents with small children has. Traveling with children will become, finally and truly, the parent’s own damn fault and the parent’s own damn problem. The only penance, of course, will be additional payment.

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About Nathan

Nathan Thornburgh is a contributing writer and former senior editor at TIME Magazine who has also written for the New York Times, and, of course, the Phnom Penh Post. He suspects that he is messing up his kids, but just isn’t sure exactly how.

2 thoughts on “More Skies, More Money

  1. They’re making it very undesirable to fly/travel for anyone other than the wealthy. If you’re anything less, well,
    “that sucks for you. Stay home or drive.” Why this is happening is up for debate. Some say it’s just the way of the times. While others say it’s a conspiracy to keep people from traveling anywhere too far from home. No matter where you fall in those beliefs…it’s still ridiculous.

  2. Totally sucks, Nate! Hope you get home safely. And, not that this helps with the domestic air schleps, but I had a family-friendly experience with TACA this Autumn. Our little guy got an ear infection 48 hours before flight time, and TACA waived the change fees for the entire family and booked us – same itinerary – for 10 days later. Evidenlty TACA hasn’t yet adopted the patently anti-family policies of the other airlines.

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