Sleeping While Male: Guilty As Charged

From the Times’s Motherlode blog:

In the “Things You Already Knew But It’s Nice to Have Them Confirmed So You Know You Aren’t Imagining Things” department, the Washington Post ran news this week of a new research study that concluded that “Women are more likely than men to give up sleep to care for children.”

Specifically, a study by researchers at the University of Michigan, to be published in the upcoming journal Social Forces (and not yet available online), finds that women are nearly three times as likely to wake from sleep to care for others — fearful children, sick spouse, whining puppy. And once awake, women stay up for 44 minutes, while men are back in bed after 30 minutes.

Gotta admit, I’m kinda in this category. I get up in the middle of the night to feed Ellie, but I do it quicker than Tomoko, spending less time fussing over the baby before putting her back in the crib, and—most important—she absolutely has to wake me up or I will sleep through the whole damn thing.

Willful ignorance on my part, or am I just an evil genius? You decide.

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About Theodore

Theodore Ross is an editor of Harper’s Magazine. His writing has appeared in Harper’s, Saveur, Tin House, the Mississippi Review, and (of course), the Vietnam News. He grew up in New York City by way of Gulfport, MS, and as a teen played the evil Nazi, Toht, in Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation. He lives with his son, J.P. in Brooklyn, and is currently working on a book about Crypto-Jews.

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